Saturday, February 15, 2014

Puerto Rico - Day 4

Didn't get much sleep last night.  Again.  This is definitely the most painful sunburn I've ever had.  I mean, this is the 3rd day I've had it and it still stings and burns!  Shannon isn't much better, either...  

We got up pretty early and went down to a little local cafe to order some breakfast.  When we got back to the lobby with it, we learned that there was free breakfast every morning at another restaurant just across the street that everyone had been going to.  Apparently Ryan forgot to share that memo with us!

At the little diner for breakfast
We walked back to the hotel, got on the bus and set out for the double-header in some small town about an hour outside of San Juan.  (I can't remember the name of it...)


When we pulled up to the little run-down park on the edge of town, there was not one single person there yet!  Slowly, a few players for the other team began to roll in...but no fans in the stands yet!

While Shannon and I waited, we lubed ourselves up with the aloe lotion again.  Seriously...worst sunburn ever.  It hurt so bad today I couldn't do a bra...I just put my swimsuit top back on!

Since we still had time to kill and no one was there yet, we decided to walk through the neighborhoods around the park to hand out fliers for the game and the SCEI program.  It was kind of early on a Saturday morning, and not many people were out.  We did find a few to talk to.  Thankfully we had a 15 year old girl with us (one of the players daughters) who spoke Spanish to translate. 

At the end of this dead-end street, there were big guard dogs on one side of the street, and then at least 5 little yappy dogs and birds in cages on the other side of the street.  Of course they ALL started going crazy when we walked up.  Sounded like a dang zoo!  So we just high tailed it off of that street without passing anything out, haha!

We got back to the park and watched most of the first game from the shade of the stands.  Wandered up to a little bakery on the corner and got some delicious fresh baked bread and some pastries to snack on.  After questioning Shannon's decision to buy two big loaves of the bread, it was so good I literally ate one entire loaf by myself...  Oops.

The guys did their program in between the games and then got together for a group picture. 

Shannon and I sweated it out in the stands for game two,and just tried to stay awake.  Shannon's ankles were still kind of swollen, so she spent some time with them elevated.

No one ever came to the game for the other team.  So much for walking around the neighborhood to recruit fans!  But towards the end of the second game, I looked over, and one mom with her two daughters had pulled up chairs under a tree in the corner of the park.  Thank goodness.  I brought a ridiculous amount of stuff for kids, and had only given a few things out at the first game on Thursday evening.  Since this was the last game, those two girls won the lottery.  It was like Christmas Day for them!  They each got a big bag full of toys, books, puzzles, kites, nail polish, bracelets...all kinds of cool stuff!

The 4 and 7 year old girls who got all of the stuff I brought
A couple of minutes later, the girls were out on the empty field trying out their new toys.  Ryan went over to pitch to them, and the older girl hit one back...right in to the one spot he didn't want to be hit, haha!  Too bad I don't have a picture about one second later when it actually hit him! ;)

We got back to the hotel around 4 or 5, and I was just exhausted.  The whole not being able to sleep at night thing was wearing on me.  So while most everyone else went out for dinner or for a swim at the pool...I went up to the room and crashed.  A nap has never felt so good!

Shannon woke me up and told me to come grab a few slices of pizza down by the pool before the worship/devotion time that evening.  

Pizza dinner by the pool
I was craving something at least semi-healthy, so I ran down to the supermarket and grabbed an apple...and some more bottled water.  (After my experience in Thailand, I refuse to drink non-bottled water in any other place outside of the continental US.)

Grocery store in San Juan...had all the same stuff we have at home!

Got cleaned up for the big celebration thing that night...but it didn't last long.  Shannon wasn't feeling well and her ankles swelled up to the size of...I don't even know.  Worse than any swelling I've ever seen.  I swear I could have stuck a pin in them and they would have popped.  So after a mini-panic attack, we left and went back to the room.  Elevation and ice water soaked towels were definitely in order.

And while I was waiting in between changing out the towels...I decided tog o ahead and put them on my legs too.  I had googled different degrees of burns, and honestly, I'm pretty sure I have second degree burns on my legs.  No joke.

Day three.  Still red and burning.  Maybe ice towels will help?

Even though Shannon was really upset and having a rough time, all it took was a little rip right up the back of my new dress to make her die laughing. :)

Thank goodness we left the celebration and
no one else saw my white butt shining through!

We were up until around 2am dealing with swollen legs and tingly arms, trying to decide if we should go to the ER or not.  Not a fun night.  

The only saving grace for the night was the car rental we booked for the following day to take us to the ferry...and then on to a nice island!  Hopefully tomorrow we will all be feeling better!

Car rental reservation.
Sending Ryan to the airport at 4:30am to pick it up for us!

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