Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ethiopia: Day 10

Woke up at 6:30 this morning...I guess because I went to bed so early last night! I slept alright, but man these girls can snore! You know it's bad when you can still hear it through earplugs! I'm ready for my big bed and fan to drown out any noise! Tonight will be on the airplane, but tomorrow night I'll be in my own bed!

I got a shower this morning - finally - but I had to wait in line for awhile so it was cold. I had planned on trying to shave my legs, but that's about impossible with goosebumps, so I gave up. I missed breakfast (showering) and I didn't want to join the coffee ceremony (so over all the coffee here) so I snuck out and walked down to the other guest house to get some wifi - FINALLY! I was so pumped when all my emails started coming in! Two days is too long for me!

So that's where I am now. I need to get back down to my guest house soon to leave for church. Lunch after that will be at Island Breeze - a pizza place - then we will spend the afternoon shopping at some little market area. Grab some dinner back at our guest house, and then off to the airport around 7 for our 10:15pm flight. We have to land and re-fuel in Rome, and I've heard it's not uncommon for us to sit on the runway for up to 4 hours! The total flight time is scheduled for 17 hours - ugh...that's a long time to sit on an airplane!

I'm not sure I'll be able to send out another update before we leave or not. But I'll be home soon!

Sent from my iPhone

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