Friday, May 20, 2011

Off to Central America

It's that time of year again!!   I am off on another crazy vacation ... going to Central America again this year -- mainly because it's super cheap, easy to get to, and there's no jet lag invovled!

This is my frist trip where I am actually not going completely alone!  I am meeting up with a group of 5 other people through Living Water International in Managua, Nicaragua.  We will travel to Leon via bus (a couple hours from Managua) and stay there in guest houses with a local family.  Each day we will travel to a remote village outside of Leon that does not have access to clean drinking water.  We will be DIGGING THEM A WELL so they have fresh water, as well as teaching them about the importance of clean water and personal hygiene!  I can't wait for an opportunity to get to travel AND do some good in this world!

The goal is to hit water by Thursday, and have a well dedication ceremony that day.  I will then be traveling (alone) on to Panama City, Panama for a few days.  Nothing much planned for that part of the trip - per the usual.  I want to see the Panama Canal, obviously, and possibly visit an Emberra Indian village in the jungle! :)

The bad news is, I've been informed there will be NO internet access where we are staying in Leon.  I mean come on, if these people don't even have running water, why in the world would I expect them to have electrcity or an internet connection!?  I am hoping, however, that we will be close enough to Leon that maybe I could venture in to the city in the evenings and find a computer!  I'm not holding my breath on it though...

So anyways, that's all.  I'm off!! 10 days (9 really if you count the travel time), two countries, and one backpack! :)

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. be safe friend!!! and as always, take pictures of everything!!! :) so excited to hear all about it when you get the chance!!
