Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 11 - Heading Home

Day started with 6:30am alarm (which is 11:30pm Kansas time). We both slept really well last night, but woke up not feeling so hot. Sore throats and head congestion. Bleh.

I hopped in the shower first, then Roman and Corinna both got up at 7. Roman to go get gas, and Corinna to get is breakfast! They were the best hosts!

We quickly ate, and then finished packing everything up. I thought I did a pretty good job of organizing and packing everything last night, but apparently not. I could not, for the life of me, get my suitcase to zip this morning. I tried to take some stuff out and shuffle it to Matt's bag, but then his wouldn't shut. I was kind of freaking out for a minute. I literally had to wrestle my suitcase, haha. I mean I had to jump on top of it multiple times and push and pull for all I was worth. There is a lovely picture of the ordeal, and I did eventually get it shut!

We had said goodbye to Corinna and were out the door by 7:35, just about on time. Roman drove us to the airport instead of making us take the train. He said it would take at least 30 minutes to get there, but he was flying down the highway! We were close to 200kph again! It was a pretty quiet ride (none of us were fully awake yet) and we made it to the Munich airport in record time - more like 20 minutes - and had to say goodbye to Roman.  He really is so great. :)

Found our Delta/Air France check in desk, and waited in the long line with everyone else. There was a big group of Americans on a tour together in front of us, and they all seemed so confused with what was going on, ha. Decided to just check our bags through. Tired of dealing with them. We knew it was a sold out and completely full flight, but when we got up to the desk, we asked the lady if she had ANY seats together. She said no, and that I didn't buy them together. Which is not true. I bought both our tickets together! I was asking her to look for one seat with an aisle (we both had middle seats) so we could at least try and ask someone to switch on the plane, when the lady directing the lines - who must of been a supervisor - came up and started speaking in German to our lady. After a minute of that, our lady said, "Okay, you have luck!" Ha, I have no idea how any of that worked out - I really don't - but that lady must of heard us talking and somehow pulled some strings to get us two seats together!! YES!

Made it through security in a breeze (another stamp in the passport!) and found a little Munich beer mug at a souvenir store for my Christmas ornament. Still had time to kill, so we ordered FOUR croissants from a little bakery and sat down for some more breakfast. All the fresh baked goods are so much better over here than bake home!

Boarded the plane shortly after that.  Our seats were almost in the last row, but I was just glad we got to sit together. After I popped some Benadryl, I slept for a few hours I think. I watched a movie, 5 Year Engagement, and it really wasn't very good. Tried to sleep a little more after that, but there were these two guys across the aisle from us who were laughing SO loud at some comedian they were watching. It was ridiculously annoying, and I really wanted to say something to them. It wasn't quiet chuckling, it was like loud belly laughing, keeping everyone else around them awake. Rude. And on top of that, there was some guy directly behind them that had to of had some sort of OCD. He opened and shut his window every 15 to 20 minutes, and in the dark airplane, it was blinding light! But apart from those clowns, it actually wasn't a bad flight. Better than the way over anyways. Since I couldn't sleep through that, I watched The Lucky One to kill a couple more hours...

Landed in Atlanta around 2. Immigration was easy, as was customs. We were a little worried about the cheese we were bringing back from Switzerland. Apparently that's illegal? I really didn't know that until Roman told us, but there was no way I was throwing that out. I just made Matt carry it in his backpack, haha! No issues though. Can't wait to try it sometime this week!

Three hours to wait in Atlanta. We found an earlier flight to KC and tried to get on it, but it was full. Ordered a smoothie and some ice cream, walked the entire B terminal, watched some football, and messed around on the Internet. Anything to kill some time...

We realized, not too long before we were supposed to depart, that our seats weren't together on that flight either. We knew that when we checked in in Munich, we just forgot to do anything about it when we got to Atlanta. So I went up to the desk to ask, but the guy said I was a full flight. He wrote down our seat numbers (both middle seats again), though, and said he would see what he could do. We didn't have much hope as we sat around for the last bit of waiting. When I handed him my boarding pass to scan, I said, "Any luck??" And sure enough. He handed me back a little slip of paper with a new seat assignment! Now that's more like my kind of good luck I usually have when traveling! I was in the aisle in the row in front of Matt. So when we got on, I just asked the guy sitting next to him if he would switch me and move up one row. Of course he didn't mind, so it was a successful day for getting to sit together on flights after all!

We both kind of wanted (or needed) to stay awake on that flight, so as to not mess up our sleep schedule too much, but I think I was out before the plane even took off. And I slept almost the entire 2 hour flight to KC. Oops. Sure hope we can sleep tonight, or work tomorrow is going to be awful!

Took forever to get our bags at the airport, but my sweet momma was right outside waiting on us! Neither of us are feeling too hot still, but we made it home safe and had a great trip! Maybe my favorite one yet! :)

(SO mad I forgot to get a picture of us when we got back! :( )

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